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The Little Rider Doll Making Challenge 2021

Writer: AndreaAndrea

Official before photo

There is nothing like a structured challenge to keep the creative energy flowing! As soon as I posted in both the "I Did It Too!" album of NaMoPaimo, and mourned the fact I didn't finish my official horse, I turned right around and grabbed a classic doll body off my shelf for The Little Rider Doll Making Challenge. If you aren't familiar with this challenge, it was actually started in June 2020, and for some reason I totally missed it, even though two of my friends are moderators, Diana Macdonald and Beth Peart-Weekes. Serious facepalm.

If you're like me and totally missed the boat on the announcement, here is what it's all about. From their Facebook page about section:

A little group dedicated to encouraging members to make a little rider or handler for their model horses - any scale, any approach.

You can find my blog entry about how I got into doll making here:

Ever since I have been gathering supplies from all over the world, and oh what's this? My doll clothing order from Japan just arrived, how convenient.

I said June up above, but this challenge for 2021 runs March 1st - 31st, 2021 so make sure you don't miss it! There are a ton of discounts you can also get for doll supplies through the event sponsors, which you can find on the official order form:

For #MinisPaintingMinis I finished Summer, and I mentioned in my last blog post about that topic that Summer wasn't on her proper body... so here we are. This is what I'm going to do: Summer is going to get her own body with brand new fancy clothes straight from Japan, turning her into a standard kid who you might see hanging around the barn, but definitely isn't riding that day. I ordered a cool skeleton hoodie, camo shorts, and black converse for her to wear. She will not have a head. What?

The other half of the project is making a head for the body that Summer left behind... which sounds a little morbid but bare with me. The body screams Kiki's delivery service to me, so I am going to make Kiki's head to stick onto that body. Win win. Kiki will also get her very own broom to ride around on!

I'm really excited to get started and get hairing... now I just have to clean up all the painting supplies and get my rerooting tools out! Good luck everyone!



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