Star Trek fans will likely be familiar with the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. Model horse artist's usually take rule #110 into consideration when another family member is ultra talented in miniature prop making; Exploitation begins at home.

When my boyfriend, Eric, first heard of the model horse hobby, he seemed relatively unfazed and accepting. Over the past year and a bit, his eyebrows have continued to raise as he got to see further into our... interesting hobby (obsession). With real horses he also went from strict city slicker to cool cowboy in a matter of a few months, getting comfortable with everything from handling weanlings to memorizing basic snaffles. It has been a lot for him to take in but in my opinion, he is adapting well.

Unwrapping one of my Christmas presents in December, I was overcome with emotion when I saw a perfectly detailed handmade 1:9 scale jump. Eric told me that he was planning to make a real jump for my horse, Iero, but he decided to scale it down to start as a prototype. He's is a crafty guy in his own right from home improvements to having a degree in photography. It's always fascinating to see what he will come up with next! Little did he know that this small gift would cascade into his own evolution as a model horse jump maker. Congratulations Eric, you have been promoted.

A few years ago, Michaels had some neat Halloween 'plates' that I picked up hoping that one day I could make them into jump standards. One being about bats blood, and the other being about BBQ human ribs, I never got around to the project and they've since been collecting dust. However, Eric has taken it upon himself to build them and has shown no interest in slowing down; maybe even selling some into our hobby. Since December, I think he's secretly enjoyed my fascination as he works at his desk drill pressing holes for jump cups and showing me his new fancy power tools! Who knows, maybe one day he will have his own Facebook page for selling his creations!
Here are some of the progress shots I got of him working at his desk while watching Star Trek:
Ahem... the last photo obviously shows his displeasure in my constant paparazzi presence. On to the final reveal with Jessica & Grasshopper test driving it!!
Wicked huh?
I can't wait for the BBQ human ribs jump and to see what else he comes up with! For now, exploitation will stay at home and I will get to reap the rewards of his brilliance. Hopefully I can push him to 'profit' off of his talent a little and help the hobby out! Go Eric!