Fellow hobbyist and my good friend, Erica Ferguson, suggested that we have a small prepping party like we did last year. Because of my constantly busy schedule, finding time to see each other is tough, but we managed to pull it off yesterday in a last minute 'come on over!'
This year we added two new faces to the party; Matt and Haiden. Neither of them are really into the hobby, but Haiden does like Breyers and Matt is my ahem... benefactor.

Erica and I set goals for the party like fully prepping a certain amount of models during the day. Personally, I'm extremely slow and quite OCD with my prepping, but did try to choose a batch of clean casts to help myself out. Check out all the models I decided to work on for the first batch of the year! --->
Erica brought her selected model for NaMoPaiMo, a traditional scale Clover resin. She also brought some micros and medallions to practice pigments on. The goal was to fully prep all of our models by day's end, primer or not.

Admittedly, it wasn't only prepping that took place yesterday... we also did a small shopping run to Canadian Tire (primer, bondo, new gloves, etc), and we did pick up some pizza. Erica was also adamant that I take my NaMoPaiMo photo with my NaMoPaiMo model for this year, Taiga. (I'll talk more about my choice for this year in another post.)
At the end of the day, we both hit our targets! All of my models are fully prepped and either have their first layer of primer or are about to get it. One of my micros I am taking on a different course than I thought, so he is out of the batch and will be a little slower to get going. Erica is well on her way to having Clover ready for painting and he looks super amazing! Matt also managed to glue two of his Malifaux models together!
Below is a small gallery of photos that we took during the party:
