Warning: What you are about to read is purely for the reference of sculpting.

I have been meaning to write this post since 2018 and have only held off because of the eyebrows I will raise! So buckle up and hold off eating your lunch because we are talking horse vagina's.
As I was saying, back in 2018 4 of my mares were about to foal. I was in a conversation with Neena Bickram regarding these mares and I'm sure I mentioned the word 'caslicks' because suddenly Neena requested reference photos for sculpting. It wasn't just about the caslicks, I remember telling Neena about the ages of the mares and their previous foaling history. When I went out to the barn to get these reference photos, it dawned on me how different everyone was in shape! Checking back to my resin herd I must say..... everyone in my collection are pretty flirtatious young mares! It also made me see that a lot of sculptors may shy away from details.

Lets talk about what caslicks are and what they are used for. Caslicks are stitches that close off the top part of the vulva lips. Women I know you are stressing reading this but bare with me. These stitches are of the utmost importance for some mares. There are a few reasons these are done, and no it's not to discourage handsome stallions.
1) The mare has poor conformation in this area which encourages air to be pushed inside the vagina. This can cause a series of infections and make them unbreedable.
2) The mare is competing at the highest level of competition and the force she is exerting can push air into her vagina. (ie. virtually all racing mares have this done).
Don't worry, these stitches are done with freezing agent from the vet so they don't notice a thing. The stitches are removed when a mare will be bred, reapplied after, and then removed again for foaling. At least, that is how it is done in racing in my part of the world.
Below are some examples of mares I have owned at different states of development:

A.A. Flaxen Queen (4 years old)
At this time, Flax was about to have her first foal. She was already bred and only a few weeks away from producing the gorgeous chestnut filly, Lida.
I just want to also discuss this mare overall conformation. Yikes she is something else: bow legged, sickle hocked, crooked knees, and yes.... her vulva is crooked too. Consider the overall conformation of your mare sculpture when you get to this part.
Notice how small the opening is for this maiden mare, take this into account when you sculpt a mare who has never had a foal before.

Gossip Mill (7 years old)
Pardon the poop and the messy caslicks. This mare was getting hers removed!
Millie had had 2 foals already and this was her third, so she was considerably... saggier. You can see behind the poop, her vulva droops down considerably and the opening is considerably longer. If she did not have any caslicks, she also gaped open.
Unlike Flax, she is also more sunken in and that is due to her personal conformation. She was a big and thick mare with a relatively correct body.

Knickers (29 years old)
This is how I get to remember Knickers by... writing posts about her hoo-ha. I'm sure if she was still around she would find it amusing.
Knickers never had a foal and she is not wearing caslicks. Her age had caused her to become wrinkly and saggy. As she began to lose weight due to her age, she became considerably more sunken in with her anus looking like it sat on a shelf and her vulva dropping away. At this point you could consider her slightly underweight. She was always a fine boned mare and more petit. Her conformation was decently correct so her vulva is quite straight. As she lost most weight the following year, her vulva gaped open.
Looking at my resin collection, I glanced at a few mares with visible hoo-has. Two of my young looking mares; a racing mare and a prancing Arabian, look as though they have had foals in the past! My third jumping mare didn't have much detail at all!
When you buy models now, are you going to looking for hoo-ha quality? Tell me what you found on your search through your own collection! Hope you found this helpful if you are doing a sex change on a model or if you are sculpting someone new!