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The Mare Stare

Writer: AndreaAndrea

During Christmas I thought "Gee, it will be so nice to be on foal watch. I will be able to catch up on so much art and chill time." Boy, was I wrong. Let's have a little rundown of the problems that the four girls have caused me this week alone. I kid you not, I think they are out to get me.

Gossip Mill (Millie):

Due Sunday the 28th and the size of a whale. Could she be carrying twins (she's not)?

Could she have eaten one of the sheep? It's hard to say, but for certain this is one big mare. Last year she had a late January due date and foaled on February 4th... so if that happens again we can expect another late one. Just before 2am on Wednesday night, the FoalAlert sounded and jolted me out of bed. I ran out into the pouring rain (exhausted because I already worked an 8 hour day) and made my way to the barn. There I find her scratching her butt on the wall. It was a false alarm and she had the nerve to glare at me while I reset the system.

Incidental Kiss (Kiss):

If you follow whorlology (the study of horse cowlicks), you will be able to see from this mare

that she has 2 whorls pointing two different directions. This should mean that she has two very turbulent personalities. I don't believe in it... but its pretty accurate with this one. One moment she's in your pocket

and resting her head on your shoulder and

then she's chasing you out of her stall with teeth barred! She is now 16 days overdue (348 days total). Though its not worrisome, we just want a foal NOW. Her shape has changed and she has gotten nastier... and she's eating less. I don't want to jinx it but I think we're close? (photo from this evening).

Erma Lee (Ellie):

Ellie used to be so nice and sweet... then she met Mr. Cairo Prince and ever since she has been uppity about it. Rightfully so. This mare is 3rd to foal and she is the equivalent of Millie. She's so massive and the smallest broodmare we have that we are a little concerned. The most concerning is how she BLEW UP this week with swelling. Well... see for yourself -->

it came out of nowhere with no symptoms, no heat, no lameness, no wounds.... nothing. My vet is confused too but not as concerned and believes that its just some serious water retention. I mean, pretty much all of the mares except Kiss have some crazy mushy ankles from waddling around... but no one has a chest or crazy leg like Ellie. It's her first baby so this might maybe somehow be normal for her??? Anyways, we are still watching it and its slowly going down... and it seems harmless. Stay tuned.

A.A. Flaxen Queen (Flax):

Flax is cool. Nothing to report.

Actually this super mellow mare is getting more and more exhausted and grumpy. This week her udder quadrupled and overshadowed both Kiss and Ellie. Not as big as Millies but I mean, not even woman can be so well endowed, right.

Yep, never a dull moment even when its a dull moment. Okay ladies, bring on the foals!



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